Coach Graham’s State Cup winning 2012 Gold team
Congratulations to our youngers girls and boys teams who have recently completed their seasons playing in the SoCal State Cup. As a whole, the club showed very well, with many teams making it to the final stages of their respective competitions. In particular, our 2012 Gold & 2010 Premier girls teams deserve a big mention after winning their respective State Cups.
City SC Girls Foundation Director, Louis Hunt, commented “We are all very proud of the amazing performances of our girls program at the Youngers State Cup. The hard-work our players and coaches are putting in on the training field is paying off and is being rewarded in the form of results when it matters. Coach Graham’s and Coach Thierry’s teams had fantastic performances in their respective finals and I’m sure the players will cherish these memories forever. We get back onto the training field in the next couple of weeks to kick-off the 2023/24 season and our coaching staff is ready to make this upcoming season our best yet!”
Carl Higham, City SC Director of Girls, continued, “We are very proud of how our girls program performed at this year’s State Cup. In particular, we are delighted for our 2012 Gold and 2010 Premier teams. All of the hard work they put in really paid off and they get to reap the rewards of that. Bringing home a State Cup trophy is a big deal. Well done all involved!”
Congratulations to all of our participating City SC teams and a special mention to the below teams who made it to the sweet sixteen or beyond:

Coach Nick’s 2015 Premier Boys who reached the State Cup semi finals
G15 Carlos
G15 Cindy
B15 Vitor
B15 Ziggy
G14 Cindy
G14 John
G14 Sarah
G13 Lauren
B13 Steve Carroll
G12 Graham (Premier)
G12 Louis
B10 Aidan Cooper
B10 Harry
B10 Max
B15 Manhungo
G14 Stephen
B14 Manhungo
G13 Gina
B12 Chris
G15 Brian
B15 Harry
B15 Nick
B12 Ramon
G11 Louis
G12 Graham (Gold)
G10 Thierry