At City SC we want to foster an environment in which our soccer parents are not only educated regarding the game, but also act respectfully on the sidelines and support their children and their team(s) in an appropriate and positive manner. Please click here to visit our ‘Parent Guidelines’ page.
This ‘Parent Education’ page is designed to help keep our City SC parents up to date on the latest tips and advice from the youth soccer and youth sports community. Being more educated on the game will not only enhance the soccer experience of our parents but will ultimately help create a positive experience for the kids on the field.
What Your Kids Need from You as Sports Parents
Kids share what they want and need from you as their parents to help them get the most out of their experience on the field:
Parent Guidelines – CLICK HERE to access
Listed below are many more useful articles that our soccer parents should familiarize themselves with.
Nutrition & Hydration
- Nutrion & Hydration Timetable for Game Day (image)
- US Youth Soccer – Feeding The Young Athlete
- Tournament Nutrition Strategy
- EXOS Game Day Fueling
- EXOS Travel Nutrition Strategies
- EXOS Recovery Handout
- EXOS Youth Nutrition 101
- EXOS The 10 Coaching Keys to Live By
Player Health & Safety
Other Articles for Parents
- Gary Lineker – “Just shut up and let them play”
- Don’t Steal the Reps from Your Athletes
- 11 Parents You’ll Meet In Competitive Youth Soccer
- 7 Ways for Parents to Inspire their Youth Soccer Player
- I Promise You Never Read a Story Like This, Mate
- If you want to yell then become a coach, explains Frank Martin
- Why we over-coach, why we shouldn’t, and how not to
- Values in Youth Sports: Part I
- Confidence a key to youth sports participation
- It’s Time to End the Sideline Sportsanity
- A Secret Trick To Keeping Your Sanity At Your Child’s Next Game
- Yes, I Do Play My Favorites
- The Missing Ingredient in US Talent Development
- Are Great Coaches Becoming an Endangered Species?
- Every Child Needs a Booster
- Helping Ourselves Become Better Soccer Parents
- 22 Ways to be an Awesome Youth Sports Parent
- 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports